“Looking through my daughter’s birth story allows me to relive the most empowering day of my life. Sure I will always remember the moment I met my baby, but now I get to see it. And I get to see all the things I missed while I was busy working so hard. The undivided support my husband gave me and the way he looked at me the moments after our baby arrived, my very close friends with tears of happiness in their eyes, my supportive mother playing with my 4 year old in the room next to me. My strength. Dana’s photos take me right back to those moments. Her first breath, her first cry, our first touch, first latch. Makes me melt all over again!”
Why Should I Hire a Birth Photographer?
You might be wondering if birth photography is right for you. Maybe you’ve never heard of it, but you’re intrigued. Maybe you love looking at other people’s birth photos, but you aren’t sure if you want another person in your birth space - let alone taking pictures. Maybe you are all for documenting this momentous life event, but your partner isn’t totally on board with hiring a birth photographer. If any of these apply to you, or you have other questions about how it all works – What if I go into labor in the middle of the night? When do you come to my place of birth? What if things don’t go according to my birth plan? – I’m here to answer your questions. Here’s a link to my FAQ. And, of course, feel free to contact me to set up a consultation where I can answer all of your questions and ease any concerns about birth photography and videography.